D.T. at Lower Meadow
DT Intent
D.T. is delivered through curriculum subject days, using a progressive recognised scheme of work.
We have chosen this scheme because it is based on the universal principles of teaching and learning in DT, is imaginative and ambitious in content, links to other areas of our curriculum and has a focus on vocabulary. It will enable our children to have the opportunities to experience the wider world and develop their language and knowledge to support their ambitions for the future.
Our curriculum builds on the Early Years Foundation Stage Expressive Arts and Design where children develop their skills at constructing with a purpose in mind, selecting tools, resources and techniques to complete the task.
The DT curriculum allows our children to solve problems by designing and making an end product which they then evaluate, adapt and improve. This develops their creativity, practical dexterity and resilience, which are important life skills. Children use a variety of materials and techniques to produce their products. They are encouraged to talk about their products to others, so developing their oracy skills and technical vocabulary.
Children also learn the fundamentals of cooking, food and nutrition throughout school, taking advantage of the skills and experience of our school chef who works with our children to support them in this area of the DT curriculum.