School Alerts


Computing at Lower Meadow

Computing Intent

Our Computing Curriculum is regularly reviewed to ensure it evolves alongside technological advancement and the needs of our children.  It closely follows the Sheffield Primary Scheme of work, which has links to a variety of resources that provide the knowledge and skills required.

At present time many lessons follow the NCCE Teach computing curriculum as these provide the vocabulary and knowledge our children need. We take care to choose sequences of lessons that echo the PKC ethos: a ‘carefully sequenced, knowledge-rich curriculum which aims to inspire pupils, promote excellent outcomes for all and overcome inequality of opportunity.’

We have designed our computing curriculum into sections: Digital Literacy, Online Safety, ICT and Computational Thinking, which encompass all the National Curriculum Attainment Targets. These sections can be taught in an order to best fit with other areas of the curriculum, allowing children to make meaningful links between computing and other subjects while developing understanding of how our world is connected.

Our Computing Curriculum ensures that the development of vocabulary is an essential part of every lesson so; ensuring the ‘word gap’ for children who enter school with a limited vocabulary can be continually addressed.

Computing Implementation 

Progression of skills in Computing 2 year cycle

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