School Alerts

Wider Curriculum

At Lower Meadow we aspire for all children to achieve their personal and academic best and to be well prepared to adapt to this ever-changing world.   Our curriculum is driven by language development, focusing on key vocabulary in every lesson and is greatly supported by first hand experiences and social and emotional development.

It is ambitious as it aims to address social disadvantage by removing barriers to learning and raising aspirations. All staff know what their children should achieve at the end of each year and the learning is carefully planned to meet these points. Our children with special educational needs and disabilities, including our children in the Hearing Impaired Integrated Resource are also provided with a rich and relevant curriculum, which, where possible, matches that of their peers. Children with gaps in their knowledge are helped to catch up quickly.

We continuously revise our curriculum subjects to ensure that learning is sequenced systematically and coherently and so that key concepts are identified and tracked through each individual subject. This ensures a clear learning journey throughout school which in turn supports everyone in knowing what has gone before and where the learning journey will be going next. Knowledge organisers and curriculum overviews identify the key knowledge that children should recall at the end of each topic.

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