School Alerts

School Council!

Update coming soon…recent updates are at the top of the page. Scroll down to see how our school council is evolving!

Autumn 2024

Our new school council have build upon the work we did last year and have produced a short video to show what we know about bullying. We used this to launch “Anti-Bullying Week”,

We have elected our new school council!

Summer 2024

We’ve won GOLD!

In recognition of our hard work, and especially because of our Pupil Anti-Bullying Policy, we have been awarded the GOLD award! We are really proud of our efforts and can’t wait to share the full details of this with you!


Improving our Pupil Anti-Bullying Policy…

We have developed our Pupil Anti-Bullying Policy further! At meetings, and in classes as part of our Personal Development Curriculum, we are discussing what is means to be an upstander and how we can all work together to stop any bullying.

We created a quiz to find out how well we know our Pupil Anti-Bullying Policy.

We decided we would like to help everyone understand more about how you can be an upstander and help to stop any bullying so we organised a poster competition.

In classes, everyone talked more about this and produced some great posters to help us remember!

Here are our winners!


We have worked together to create a quiz for our classes to see how well they have remembered our policy!

Each school council meeting has an agenda. Children keep notes to share information with the rest of their class. They bring ideas and suggestions from their class which can be discussed as A.O.B. (Any other business)


After working with Ann Foxley-Johnson from the Anti-Bullying Alliance, we have developed our own Pupil Anti-Bullying Policy…

We have voted for the chair and vice-chair person!

We discussed the role of a school council in a lot of detail and have developed our own display board in the hall to show who represents which class.


School Council representatives have now been elected!


How was the school council elected?

On Monday 4th September, Years 3 to 6 attended a special assembly in the school hall where Miss Marshall explained what the school council is, what it does and why. (Year 2 children had an assembly in their classroom to discuss this.) We talked about the successes of our school council last year – including how children had helped to develop our “Keeping everyone safe online agreement” and our school mascot competition – as well as some ideas already contributed for this year. Miss Marshall explained that children who would like to volunteer for this important role would need to complete an application form for Mrs Dawtry to review as well as present to their class why they think they would be the best candidate to be chosen!

Lots of children completed an application form and handed these to their class teacher. After very careful consideration, Mrs Dawtry selected several choices per class.


On Friday 15th September, all children from Y2 – Y6 took part in our school election. They visited the library where a special polling station had been set up and learned how to vote! In classes, we have talked about democracy and how important it is to vote for the person you feel will do the best job. It was lovely to see children so animated and excited about this very important part of life.


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