School Alerts


Science at Lower Meadow

Our science curriculum aims to equip children with the foundations for understanding the world through a scientific lens. Pupils will build a body of key foundational science knowledge as they work through the curriculum, asking questions and developing a sense of curiosity about the world around us.

Science Intent

Science Intent

Science Implementation

LM Coverage and Skills & Knowledge Science Overview

Science Knowledge Organisers 

To support our children in developing and securing their science knowledge, children are given a knowledge organiser at the beginning of every science unit.

KS1 Knowledge Organisers 

Astronomy KS1

Electricity KS1

Human Body KS1

Living things and their environment KS1

Materials and Matter KS1

Plants KS1

LKS2 Knowledge Organisers 

Classification LKS2

Electricity LKS2

Human Body LKS2

Sound LKS2

The Water Cycle LKS2

Ecology LKS2

UK2 Knowledge Organisers 

The Human Body UKS2

Reproduction UKS2

Evolution UKS2

Electricity UKS2

Classification UKS2

Light UKS2


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