School Alerts


History at Lower Meadow

Our history curriculum aims to ignite children’s love for history, preparing them with essential knowledge for Key Stage 3 and beyond. The curriculum builds on the Early Years Foundation Stage Understanding of the World where children have explored a variety of characters, settings and familiar situations from the past. To achieve this, we are utilising the PKC which is a well-sequenced, knowledge-rich curriculum.

History Intent 

History Intent

History Implementation

History knowledge progression

History Overview lower meadow

History Knowledge Organisers 

To support our children in developing and securing their historical knowledge, children are given a knowledge organiser at the beginning of every history unit.

KS1 Knowledge Organisers 

Romans in Britain Knowledge Organiser KS1

Powerful Voice Knowledge Organiser KS1

The Tudors Knowledge Organiser KS1

LKS2 Knowledge Organisers 

Ancient Greeks Knowledge Organiser LKS2

Life in Ancient Knowledge Organiser LKS2

The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire Knowledge Organiser LKS2

The Stuarts Knowledge Organiser LKS2

UKS2 Knowledge Organisers

Baghdad 900 CE Knowledge Organiser UKS2

Cold War Knowledge Organiser UKS2

Human Right and Equality in Britain Knowledge Organiser UKS2

The French Revolution Knowledge Organiser UKS2

The Rise of Hitler and WW2 Knowledge Organiser UKS2

World War 2 Knowledge Organiser UKS2









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