School Alerts


Art at Lower Meadow

At Lower Meadow Primary School, we value art as a vital part of providing a broad and balanced curriculum to the children. We aspire for all children to achieve their personal and academic best through a knowledge-rich Art Curriculum.

Art Intent

Art Intent

Art Implementation 

Art Whole School Overview

Art Progression of Knowledge and Skills

Art Knowledge Organisers 

To support our children in developing and securing their art knowledge, children are given a knowledge organiser at the beginning of every art unit.

KS1 Knowledge Organisers

Colour and Shape Knowledge Organiser KS1

Colour, Shape and Texture Knowledge Organiser KS1

Portraits and Self-Portraits Knowledge Organiser KS1

History Painting Knowledge Organiser KS1

Landscape and Symmetry Knowledge Organiser KS1

Murals and Tapestries Knowledge Organiser KS1

LKS2 Knowledge Organisers

Light Knowledge Organiser LKS2

Monuments of Ancient Rome Knowledge OrganiserLKS2

Monuments of the Byzantine Empire Knowledge Organiser LKS2

Needlework, Embroidery and Weaving Knowledge OrganiserLKS2

Space Knowledge Organiser LKS2

Design Knowledge Organiser LKS2

UKS2 Knowledge Organiser 

Art in the Italian Renaissance Knowledge Organiser UKS2

Impressionism and Post Impressionism Knowledge Organiser UKS2

Modernism and Beyond Knowledge Organiser UKS2

Renaissance Architecture and Sculpture Knowledge Organiser UKS2

Victorian Art and Architecture Knowledge Organiser UKS2

William Morris Knowledge Organiser UKS2



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