What is Pupil Premium?
Pupil Premium is a sum of money (£1320) for every child who is entitled to Free School Meals now or has ever had Free School Meals over the past 6 years. Looked after children (LAC) and children who have been adopted or under a special guardianship order also receive Pupil Premium funding (£2300) and children of Service Personnel can also receive Pupil Premium (£300).
Why do schools get extra money?
Pupil Premium was introduced by the Government for all schools in April 2011. Studies showed the attainment of low-income families was lower than that of other pupils so the money was given to schools to enhance the learning of Pupil Premium Children and so narrow the gap in the attainment of groups.
Who looks at how we spend Pupil Premium Funding?
Schools are free to spend the Pupil Premium money as they see fit but rigorous checks are kept to monitor the impact of this spending.
Since September 2012 schools are required to publish online information about how the money is spent.
Schools will be held to account by Ofsted for the attainment of their Pupil Premium Pupils and the progress they make, with particular emphasis on closing the achievement gap with other pupils.
Governors are informed of spending during termly meetings and we in the process of appointing a dedicated Pupil Premium Governor, who will look at school plans in greater detail.
The documents available to download give further detail as follows:#
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2021-22
7 building blocks for providing effective support with PP
How to claim Income Related Free School Meals – gives information on Free School Meal entitlement and how to apply (link to Sheffield City Council Free School Meals webpage available below).