School Alerts

Welcome to Lower Meadow Primary Academy

I am proud to be the Principal of Lower Meadow Primary School; our pupils are determined, enthusiastic and keen to learn more. They are a pleasure to work with and staff and children alike enjoy coming to school each day. Visitors to school often comment on the calmness and scholarly nature of our children.

The pastoral and academic achievements of our children are our highest priorities and we pride ourselves on making every minute count. We provide a varied, relevant and interesting curriculum and include opportunities for the children to learn through first hand activities. Through this we aim to develop lifelong learners who have the knowledge, skills and confidence needed for the next stage of their learning journey and for their future life. We are a highly inclusive school with a reputation for nurturing children so that every child can achieve their potential. We are proud of the support we give to each and every child from our dedicated teaching and support staff.

We strive to ensure our children embody our school values both inside and outside of school. These values are Tenacity, Empathy, Curiosity, Happiness and Scholarship. We base our assemblies and rewards around our values to ensure they are high-profile and understood by all children.

The best way to truly know a school is to visit and I warmly welcome tours of our wonderful school. For current parents, this website contains information and documents to complement the communication through our Parent App (MCAS), emails, Twitter and half termly newsletters. Please do contact the School Office if you have any further questions.

Mrs Jane Dawtry









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